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영통1동 지역사회보장협의체 기본교육
작성자 관리자 등록일 2021-09-15 조회수 945
첨부파일 파일 첨부파일이 없습니다.
영통1동 지역사회보장협의체 기본교육
On 9/14, the Suwon City Community Security Council held the second basic education along with the Yeongtong 1-dong Community Security Council! 
The education was conducted with Secretary-General Park Chang-jae, sharing the understanding of the local social security council, the role of its members, and the village welfare plan.
It was a beneficial time to identify the necessary issues and needs in the process of establishing a village welfare plan through basic education of the local social security council, and to establish a comprehensive operation direction for the council of Suwon City.
We ask for your interest in basic education for the remaining 6 dongs!
다음글다음글 [영유아분과] 수원시 경계선 영유아 발달지원방안 모색을 위한 간담회 개최
다음글이전글 2021 정책교육 "한눈에 보는 사회보장 정책과 재정"